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Low Income Taxpayer Clinic

AACA Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) assists taxpayers who are in controversy with the Internal Service Revenue or/and Massachusetts Department of Revenue. Services are free.


LITC representation will not result in preferential treatment or affect the taxpayer’s rights before the IRS.




AACA LITC is here to help!

  • Need assistance in resolving a tax dispute with the IRS or Massachusetts Department of Revenue?

  • Speak only Chinese, Vietnamese, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Swahili, or Gujarati?

  • Need help to understand your tax rights and obtain credits, refunds, and tax benefits?


Did you receive from the IRS or Massachusetts Department of Revenue:

  • Tax notices informing you that you owe taxes?

  • A notice informing you that your tax returns are under audit or tax collection action?


Did you apply for these payments you are entitled to:

  • $1,400 per person EIP checks (Economic Incentive Payment)?

  • $300 / month ACTC payments (Advanced Child Tax Credit)?

  • $2,500 / student AOC or LLC Education Credits (American Opportunities Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit)?

  • Dependent Care Credit?

  • Massachusetts $4,000 Rental Expense Deduction?

  • … and many more credits, payments, and benefits – state and federal?

Eligibility Requirements:

You may be eligible for help if:

  • You have problem that involves the IRS or MA DOR

  • The amount of money of your controversy with IRS is not more than $50,000 per year

  • Your income is not more than 250% of the federal poverty guidelines

Documents we will need from you:

  • Letters from IRS or MA DOR

  • Tax Filings (Form 1040, W-2, 1099, etc.)

Contact Information:

Please contact AACA Low Income Taxpayer Clinic for an appointment.


Address: 87 Tyler Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02111


Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 AM – 4 PM


Languages Available: English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hindi, French, Haitian Creole, Swahili, and Gujarati


Please contact (617) 426-9492 Ext. 285 or to set up an appointment.

We adhere strictly to federal guidelines, which prohibit discrimination against individuals based on race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), disability, sex (in educational programs or activities), age, or reprisal in any programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. We are committed to providing equal access to services for all clients.

Clients with disabilities are entitled to request reasonable accommodations, and those with limited English proficiency may request language assistance to ensure they can access our services without discrimination.  

If you need disability accommodation or language assistance, we will provide it to you at no cost

If a client feels they have experienced discrimination at AACA, they can file a written complaint and send it to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Civil Rights Unit:
IRS Civil Rights Unit
1111 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 2413
Washington, DC 20224

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